Delivery Area

One Little Farm delivers flowers and hampers from our store on Bargara Rd Monday to Friday.  If your delivery area is not found in the list below don't hesitate to contact us to work out the possibility of delivery.  For same day delivery in Bundaberg area, your order needs to be received by 12noon.  Courier areas before 9am. If you need delivery to Avondale or Bucca please call the store. We currently aren't able to deliver to Woodgate or Childers.

Van Delivery Area - Monday - Friday

  • Bundaberg East, Central, West, South, Kalkie, Kepnock, Ashfield, Thabeban, Svensson Heights, Avoca, Walkervale, Avenell Heights, Norville, North Bundaberg, Windermere, Qunaba, Rubyanna $15
  • Burnett Heads, Mon Repos, Bargara, Innes Park, Coral Cove, Elliott Heads $20
  • Gooburrum, Branyan, Alloway $20

Courier Deliver Area - Monday - Friday only. Needs to be ordered prior to 9am for same day delivery.

  • Gin Gin - $25
  • Welcome Creek - Moore Park $20
  • Sharon - South Kolan $20